Welcome from Sifu/Instructor Arthur Batakin
Martial arts training has many great benefits, covering physical, mental and emotional aspects. This is why it has become one of the most popular activities for both adults and children alike.
As any martial artist will tell you, there are multiple benefits in martial arts training. The most apparent benefit is gaining knowledge in self-defence, which is one of the main reasons why martial arts were developed. Knowing how to defend oneself and loved ones in a potentially dangerous situation is an asset in today's world just as it was hundreds of years ago.
Wing Chun is known for its simplicity and extreme effectiveness. During the last 20-30 years, the principles and applications of Wing Chun have been used and applied in different self-defence and combat applications (such as police and special forces training) in many countries. Once the concepts and principles are understood, it is easy to learn and easy to use, but like any other martial art styles, it requires practice and commitment.
I started learning martial arts over 35 years ago, and over the years have tried and practised different styles. I was also fortunate of having the opportunity to learn Wing Chun from the talented master - Bruce Cheng.
It is my goal to pass on my knowledge and experience to anyone who is serious about self-defence, who has the right set of mind and who has respect for others and the art.
Since moving to Australia in 2006 I have established a self-defence and Wing Chun school on the Gold Coast, teaching young and old, men and women, and people from different social and cultural backgrounds. Over the years I had students from countries such as Canada, Brazil, Switzerland, New Zealand, China.
I wish you well and hope you will enjoy the ways of Wing Chun as much as I do.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
With regards
Instructor/Sifu Arthur Batakin